Chantelle is 19 years old and is from Craig Head in Manchester. She resides with her mother and six other family members . Chantell is very grateful to the NY Chapter for the award, which will provide significant assistance in support of her commitment to read for the Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel Management at the UWI, Kingston, Jamaica. Chantell states: "with the help of this scholarship, I will be able to achieve my goals, and I promise to use it to the best of my ability, making myself, my family and sponsors proud"
Odane is 21 years old from Chudleigh in Manchester, Jamaica, and lives with his mother, step-father and four siblings. He was recently matriculated into the University of the West Indies to read for the Bachelor of Science degree promram, majoring in Marketing. Odane states: "receipt of this award will give me that extra drive to work harder to strive for excellence and I am grateful for the offer from the the NY Chapter of the Holmwood Past Students Association.